Since Covid turned our world upside down, the majority of interviews are now conducted online. For employers it is a very effective way to screen candidates residing in remote settings and foreign locations.


1. Practice… Practice …Practice

Ask a friend or family member to role-play with you online. The more practice you get the more confident you become.

2 Check that your devices are technically sound

Make sure that your laptop won’t shut down in the middle of the interview, and that the audio system is working properly? You cannot afford to offend the interview panel due to these silly reasons. Prior to your interview check that all the technical stuff is working ok.

Proper Internet Connection

You need to have a good internet connection if you want the interview to run uninterruptedly. A fast internet connection is the most important criterion of an online interview.

If you do not have a sound net connection in your home you can borrow a 4 g wireless modem from a friend or arrange the interview in a friend’s place who has a good broadband connection.

4. Be Presentable

Just because you are participating in the interview from the comfort of your bedroom doesn’t mean you should sit in front of the screen in a T-shirt and shorts. Dress in the same way, how you would have dressed in an offline interview.

Groom your hair, wear a shirt or blouse, and keep the webcam at your eye level.

Make sure that your laptop won’t shut down in the middle of the interview, and that the audio system is working properly? You cannot afford to offend the interview panel due to these silly reasons. Prior to your interview check that all the technical stuff is working ok.

5. Do Not Make Unnecessary Noise or Movements

Do not move much during the interview and avoid handling objects (like scribbling with a pen, checking mobile, turning pages, etc) near the system. As this noise can become magnified and is annoying for the person who is interviewing you

Remember to keep your phone in silent (not even in vibration) mode and turn off notifications on your computer.

It is also important to select a quiet place for the interview as background conversations and sounds may disturb the process.  

6. Speak Slowly

It often happens that the microphone delays the transmission of audio due to a number of factors (primarily slow net connection). Make sure not to speak too quickly…. slow and steady.

7. Eye Contact

It is important to make eye contact throughout the interview. For this, avoid looking at the screen randomly and try to look directly at the webcam.

8. Preparation

Prepare for your interview in the same way you would have done in case of an offline interview. Speak confidently to show your command and confidence in the subject area.

9. Organize Your Space

Presentation is very important in all aspects of life. Take care not to have objectionable objects or images around you or in the background wall that can send a negative signal to the interviewer.

Keep all your documents, certificates, and other useful items near your desk. It makes no sense to search for a pen and paper in the middle of the interview process keeping the interviewer at hold.

10. Relax

Finally do not show symptoms of nervousness or stress during the interview. Practice a few rounds of deep breathing prior to the interview and keep a smile throughout the process. Remember do not forget to follow up after with an email thanking the interviewer for their time.